“To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to the stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear on cheerfully, do all bravely, awaiting occasions, worry never; in a word, to, like the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common.” ~ William Henry Channing
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Stuck in Lodi
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Mr. Misterio Speaks
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
and zee 'air cut

Mr. Misterio
But, incredibly, they just got much, much stronger.
On Friday at the farmers market we were in line for churros. Yum. They have become our Friday evening market treat of choice lately. I felt a little tug on my hand. Super-boy had spotted some capes for sale at a nearby stall. Mean old mom pointed out that he had a perfectly wonderful cape already. Didn't he love his blue cape? I went back to my churro purchase.
By time I was taking my first bite of deep-fried goodness Isidore had been transformed into Mr. Misterio.
Patrick confessed that as a little boy he had always wanted a real cape. Not a pillow case or a homemade cape, but the real deal. So when Isidore of the crocheted-blanket-tied-around-his neck-cape tugged on his hand, there was no hesitation.

That night Patrick's old friend Eric came up for a visit. When Mr. Misterio put on Jimi Hendrix, Eric brought out his guitar. Mr. Misterio gleefully whipped out his own ax, recruited Aliana for piano, Patrick on the harmonica and Elizabeth on the ukulele. They had quite a session.

Apologies to Rory for the foot on the piano, I swear we don't do that all the time. And yes, that is a lampshade on Aliana's head.
Zo, zee znailz.....
Aliana chowed down! Isidore and Elizabeth decided not to partake, but Aliana loved them. She is a big fan of clams and mussels, and we all agreed they taste just like clams. We will be collecting more next week to make a main dish meal with pasta.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Long Days, Crappy Food
Thursday, April 10, 2008
No picky eaters allowed!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
King of the Clutter Busters

Friday, April 4, 2008
Song of the Week #2
Alligator Pie
Alligator pie, alligator pie,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna die.
Give away the green grass, give away the sky,
But don't give away my alligator pie
Alligator stew, alligator stew,
If I don't get some I don't know what I'll do.
Give away my furry hat, give away my shoe.
But don't give away my alligator stew.
Alligator soup, alligator soup,
If I don't get some I thinkI'm gonna droop.
Give away my hockey-stick, give away my hoop,
But don't give away my alligator soup.
Alligator cake, alligator cake,
If I don't get some I think I'll fall in a lake.
Take away my gecko, take away my snake,
But don't take away my alligator cake.
Alligator juice, alligator juice,
If I don't get some I'll be in a noose.
Take away my chickens, take away my goose,
But don't take away my alligator juice!
Anyone else have a verse?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Words of Wisdom from the Littles

Upon waking this morning Isidore's first words were, "Mom, I had a great dream!" When I asked him to tell me about it he said, "Mom, I can't explain, stuff in dreams is too complicated."
On the way to the shop today, we were exploring which family members possess the ability to roll his or her tongue. Aliana observed, "That's not very useful."
Also on the drive to work dear Elizabeth told me, "My nose can wiggle."
There you have it.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Another Challenge - Buy Nothing in April

Here's how she lays it out:
No new clothes
No new gadgets
No new furniture or housewares
No salon services
No makeup
No tools
No whatever the hell else people buy
Here's her page: http://crunchychicken.blogspot.com/2008/03/buy-nothing-challenge.html
I can't actually rope Patrick into this one, but the kids and I are in! Here goes.
Someone had to do it