Last week our intrepid friend Donna took all three kids to the San Francisco Zoo. They all really wanted to see the newborn giraffe. Unfortunately the mother wouldn't nurse, so they weren't able to see the baby. As you can see in the pictures, though, our dear Aliana had a very special moment with daddy giraffe. She fed him several bananas with her hands, and then the handler suggested she try something a little different.
I must say I personally would not have said yes, but our tallest child is definately a friend of animalkind. Whenever a chicken needs to be caught for wing clipping or dinner she actually becomes a member of the flock. She bends over, uses her arms as wings and begins to speak chicken. I swear. She imitates their happy little clucks and peeps and assures them that she's just a slightly larger breed, and then just scoops one up by the feet and presents it to me proudly.
One morning several years ago I was brushing my teeth when Aliana appeared at the bathroom door with a quart size mason jar in her hand.
"Bellemere?" she said.
"What is it, sweetie?"
"Um, I have a wound."
"What happened?"
"A gopher bit me."
I swallowed my toothpaste and at that point noticed that there was actually a very large live rodent in the jar, and a lot of blood on Aliana'a other hand.
I took the jar from her, covered it with a heavy book and called Donna of the zoo trip, who's a nurse.
After the wound was cleaned and the gopher disposed of I was able to ask Aliana how exactly she came to have a gopher bite.
It turns out it was actually in my defense. Before you imagine a rabid gopher throwing himself against the front door, let me explain.
She was collecting interesting bugs in the vegetable garden and saw Mr. Gopher pop his near-sighted little head out of his hole. She immediately thought of how much I love my garden and the damage he might do. She decided the thing to do would be to pick up him up and stuff him in the jar she was holding to get him out of the garden. He didn't like the plan as much as she did, and he chomped her.
This is the detail that gets me: She didn't let go. She screamed and then continued to cram him the in jar.
Aliana, the girl who is often more animal than person.
Well, I had heard the story a few times, but somehow the pictures added to the realism. Love your blog!
Thanks Inkey!
It sure was fun to have you guys come down.
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